On you way you will learn about the plantation’s history and about the lives of the men who built and maintained the ditch system. Enjoy the wonder and magic of each tunnel illuminated by your headlamp. Here’s a look at two we found and a quick tutorial on each: Flumin’ Kohala in Hawi offers a unique and exclusive adventure deep in the historically rich and verdant mountains of Kohala. You will be crossing old sugar cane fields along the way. Witness Kauai’s spectacular, historic engineering feats as you float down the open canals and through five amazing tunnels and flumes engineered and hand-dug circa 1870. Fast-foward 20 years, and you can still find flume rides in Hawaii, specifically on the Big Island and Kauai. What is the Kohala Ditch Tour The Kohala Ditch began life as a natural waterway whose headwaters originate high in the lush Kohala Mountain forests. Once setup the group will then climb into a colorful 4WD transport vehicle and head into the interior of the island. A flume tour is a great way to explore authentic Hawaii and escape the tropical heat for three hours, as you will also travel under waterfalls along the way. You don’t want to be chasing sandals around during your adventure. The guides will fit you with gloves, a helmet and a head lamp and check your footwear to make sure that they won’t come off and float away. Your adventure begins at Kauai Backcountry Adventure’s office on Highway 56 in Hanamaulu, just a few minutes away from the Lihue Airport. The recent closure of the Lihue sugar plantation made this tour possible … allowing Kauai visitors the chance to travel into the island’s interior and witness this engineering feat in a fun and relaxing way! Getting There This land is privately owned and has never before been accessible to the public. Without this source of water, there is not enough water in the ditch to operate a kayak tour. By 1940 cultivation of rice and taro had diminished, and irrigation water was principally. Flumin’ Kohala is Closed On Apa large landslide destroyed a flume connecting Kohala Ditch to its largest water source and heavily damaged a tunnel which is now in imminent danger of collapse.
Circa 1870 a series of ditches, tunnels, and flumes were hand-dug by Chinese laborers to deliver water from the rain-forest to the thirsty sugar cane fields near Lihue. Water was diverted from spring-fed streams through ditches and flumes. Kohala UTV Adventure ISLAND of HAWAII Book Now General UTV Tour Information Located a short 40 minute drive north of the South Kohala resorts, Kohala UTV Adventure offers a unique and exclusive excursion deep in the historically rich and verdant lands of Kohala. Mountain Tubing Adventure is a unique activity that gives you a chance to travel back in time to the sugar plantation era.